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Reasons to Clean

Air Conditioning

  • Dirty Air Ducts
  • Impact On Your Health
  • Reduced Air Flow

Pricing Plans

Starting at

AC Installation

Once AC Cleaning

Monthly Support

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Starting at

AC Installation

5 Times AC Cleaning

Quaterly Support

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Starting at

AC Installation

10 Times AC Cleaning

Annual AC Support

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Save 10% off

Book AC cleaning for you and your friend together and save 10% OFF!

50% Off

On monthly AC support
Happy clients
ac installation
regular customers

Pay your invoices online

Save time, postage, envelopes, even the cost of cheques, etc…, with our fast and easy, “Online Payment Centre”… not to mention the added bonus of benefiting from your favorite Credit Card’s award program.

Wizard Window Washing uses “Data Security and Encryption”. The security of your information, transactions, and money is our top priority.

Please have your invoice on hand as you will need the amount to be paid.

We only accept VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal,


Arturo Glover

School Teacher

I orecered services form this company a few times and each time it went very smooth. Very professional and competent. Servicer performed the work promptly and shared his finding afterwards. No hard sell of additional services. I’d definitely use again. Highly recommend this companyy and the crew. Special thanks to Joe and his professional assistants.

Richard Paris


This company is the best one I know in the city. When I need some help at home or at the office, I always call them. They are all an amazing people and that they all do a brilliant job. The workers were prompt, courteous, and knowledgeable. The lead representative was knowledgeable, helpful and ensured that all aspects of their work were understood.

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